BTEC Program Application

For your questions, you can get information from the e-mail address.

© 2024 TED Rönesans Koleji

Enrolment Form

Student Information

Parent Information

Program List

The programmes you will enrol in.

Enrolment Form

General Informations

I agree to receive information to the contacts I submitted with this form via e-mails, SMS messages, MMS messages, etc. sent through electronic devices and mail for an indefinite period of time so that I could be informed about any kind of academic information, discounts, campaigns, announcements, activities, promotions, introductions, advertisements, communications, celebrations, novelties, and similar information and messages that are not limited with these which have been prepared, organized, and issued by the Rönesans Private Schools Educational Services, their affiliates, group companies, and the TED Rönesans College unless I otherwise specify and;